Quick overview of Judit Bayer's activities in five-yearly sections


2020-2024: Academic research and publishing

- Research activities: 

  • Research Fellow at CAIS (Research for the Digital Age) Research Institute (2023/24)
  • Research Fellow at the University of Münster, Institute for Information, Telecommunication and Media Law (2020/23)
  • Associate professor at the Budapest Business University

- Project topics:

  • The digital legislative package of the EU
  • Human Rights in the digital environment and AI
  • Respecting Human Rights in the Content Removal Procedure by Social Media Platforms 

Studies for the European Parliament and Commission;

  • Disinformation and freedom of expression (2021) 
  • Disinformation and Propaganda - Update Study to cover 2019-2021
  • Strategic Litigation against Public Participation (2021)
  • Hate Speech and Hate Crime within the European Union (2021)
  • Disinformation and Propaganda - impact on democracy, the rule of law and human rights in the European member states and the EU (2018-2021)
  • Media freedom and pluralism in the European Union (2016)

2015-2020: Academic teaching

- Associate professor at the Budapest Business University, teaching 

  • Public international law,
  • data protection, information society,
  • media law. 

- Associate professor at the University of Miskolc (2015/16) teaching data protection, information law and internet law.

2009-2014: Focus on family

  • Maternity leave 
  • Voluntary NGO Board memberships:
    • 2013-2016: Board member of the Hungarian Communication Society.
    • 2010-2013: Board member of the Legal Committee of the Hungarian Advertising Association
  • Sporadic publications

2005-2009: Research Fellowships

- Cyberlaw Research Fellowship in New Zealand 

  • 2006-2007: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Topic: Liability of Internet Service Providers

- Japan Foundation Fellow:

  • 2009: Tama University, Kumon Centre Tokyo, Japan. Topic: Analysis of the Regulation on Protection of Children in Mobile Content in Japan. 

- Research leader at the Hungarian Academy of Science: 

  • 2009-2010: Public service television in a changing environment

- Associate professor at King Sigismund College, Budapest, lecturing in: 

  • Human Rights, 
  • International Law, 
  • Cyberlaw

1998-2004: Assistant lecturing, NGO engagements and PhD research

- Assistant professor at the Budapest Business School

- NGO engagements:  

  • 2002-2003: Fellow at Open Society Institute 
  • 2001-2002: founder and leader of the Hungarian Press Freedom Center
  • 2000: expert at Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

- PhD Promotion: 

  • 2000/2001: Central European University Doctoral Support Program
  • 1998-2002: ELTE University of Sciences


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